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Tutorial for writing Special icons for Megaboard
- Introduction -
This file explains in a step-by-step manner how to create a special icon that
displays the current time, it will only be of interest to programmers, other
users should refer to the "Guide" file for information on general use.
For a full technical description of special icons see the ProgGuide file.
Note: the icon defined here serves no practical use as it simply duplicates
an icon already supplied with MegaBoard, but it is a good example of a
typical special icon.
- Part 1: Writing the definition -
Open the !MegaBoard application directory, locate the file 'Cstm_Scrpt', and
load it into a text editor.
Now add the following command to the end of the file:
This notifies MegaBoard that an icon definition begins here. The following
lines must contain the commands descried in the 'ProgGuide' file i.e:
Name: TutTime
To specify the name of the icon
Purpose: Display the current time
Author: Your Name
Version: 0.00
These will be displayed in the special info dialogue box.
Width: 150
This sets the initial width of the icon to 150 OS units
Height: 40
This sets the initial height of the icon to 150 OS units
Worksize: 1024
Reserves 1024 bytes of workspace for the icon when it is created
Update: Second
Informs Megaboard that the icon requires updating every second
Mouse_State: Off
Keypress_State: Off
Message_State: Off
Menu_State: Off
The icon does not respond to mouse clicks, keypresses or Wimp messages and
does not have a menu associated with it.
Format: %z24:%mi:%se
States that the icon has one user-definable parameter called "Format" with
the default value "%z24:%mi:%se".
Terminates the icon definition.
The icon definition should now look like this:
Name: TutTime
Purpose: Display the current time
Author: Your Name
Version: 0.00
Width: 150
Height: 40
Worksize: 1024
Mouse_State: Off
Keypress_State: Off
Message_State: Off
Menu_State: Off
Now save the file and if it is not already running, run MegaBoard. The
Special icon submenu should now contain an additional item, namely "TutTime".
- Part 2: Writing the code blocks -
The BASIC file 'Skeleton' in this directory contains the source code of a
"blank" special icon i.e. one that neither display anything nor responds to
any events. Run this file, it will save the code file in the current
Open the directory !MegaBoard.Special and create a new diretory called
"TutTime" (the same as the icon name) then locate the code file previously
saved and copy it into this direcory.
Now the icon's menu item in the 'Special icon' submenu can be chosen, but
take care to note the location of the pointer when Menu was originally
clicked or you will have difficulty locating the icon. An invisible icon will
then be placed on MegaBoard, you can verify this by dragging Seelect or
Adjust over the pointer position where menu was clicked, which should allow
the icon represented by a 'rotating dash' box to to dragged around MegaBoard.
In order for the icon to do something meaningful the relevant code blocks
will have to be written. Load the "Skeleton" file into a BASIC editor
A Code block in the skeleton file looks something like this:
REM initialise
EQUD init_end-P%
The file line after the REM inserts a word conatining the length of the
block. Following this is the actual code, in this case it is simply a return
instruction terminated by the label referred to in the EQUD.
1. Initialise
In our example the initialisation code must simply copy the parameter string
into the icon's own workspace, encoding is not necessary:
.init MOV R7,#0 :REM set the offset to 0
.stringloop LDRB R6,[R5],#1 :REM load a character into R6 and
REM increment R5
STRB R6,[R4,R7] :REM store the character in R4+R7
ADD R7,R7,#1 :REM increment R7
CMP R6,#32 :REM check if the character was a
REM terminator
BGE stringloop :REM if not then copy the next character
MOV R6,#0 :REM replace the control terminator with
STRB R6,[R4,R7] :REM a null.
Next we have to read the curent time in a 5-byte format:
ADD R1,R4,#256 :REM the 5 bytes are stored at workspace offset 256
MOV R0,#3
STR R0,[R1]
MOV R0,#14
This 5-byte time information now needs to be converted ino a string:
MOV R0,R1 :REM R0 points to the 5-byte time
ADD R1,R0,#8 :REM R1 points to the buffer for the
REM string at workspace offset 264
REM (i.e. 256+8)
MOV R2,#240 :REM buffer size
MOV R3,R4 :REM R3 points to the format string
STMFD R13!,{R0-R3} :REM push these registers to the stack
:REM because we need them later
SWI "XOS_ConvertDateAndTime" :REM do not generate errors
If OS_ConvertDateAndTime detected an error in the format string it will
return with the V flag set this must now be checked for and handled. If an
error occurred the time and format strings will be replaced with the word
MOV R5,R0 :REM these registers will be needed if there was
MOV R6,R1 :REM no error
LDMFD R13!,{R0-R3} :REM pull the registers from the stack that were
REM stored above.
REM the following is only executed if there was an error
LDRVS R2,error1 :REM load the first 4 bytes of the word "ERROR"
REM into R2
STRVS R2,[R1] :REM replace both the format string and the time
STRVS R2,[R3] :REM string with the word "ERROR"
LDRVS R2,error2 :REM copy the second
STRVS R2,[R1,#4] :REM 4 bytes
STRVS R2,[R3,#4] :REM (actually only 2)
SUBVC R1,R6,R5 :REM if there was no error set R1 to the length
REM of the time string +1
MOVVS R1,#6 :REM if there was an error set R1 to the length
REM of "ERROR" +1 i.e. 6
Finally BASIC's C% variable must be modifed to the width of the of the string
in OS units.
SUB R1,R1,#1 :REM subtract 1 from R1 to obtain the number
REM of characters
MOV R1,R1,LSL# 4 :REM multiply R1 by 16 (the width of system
REM font text under the WIMP.
STR R1,pointer_stuff-8 :REM use it as the new icon width
MOV PC,R14 :REM return
This code should be entered between the "EQUD init_end-P%" and the
".init_end" label.
2. Null
This entry point simply reads the current time then converts it to a string
using the stored format string:
.null ADD R1,R4,#256 :REM read the
MOV R0,#3 :REM current time
STR R0,[R1] :REM and store it
MOV R0,#14 :REM at workspace
SWI "OS_Word" :REM offset 256
MOV R0,R1 :REM and
ADD R1,R0,#8 :REM convert
MOV R2,#248 :REM it
MOV R3,R4 :REM to
SWI"OS_ConvertDateAndTime" :REM a string
MOV PC,R14 :REM return to BASIC
3. Redraw
Here it is first necessary to move the cursor to
SUB R3,R1,R3,LSR #1 :REM subtract half the icon height from the Y
REM coordinate and store the result in R3
ADD R3,R3,#36 :REM add 36 to this value
SUB R1,R0,R2,LSR #1 :REM subtract half the icon width from the X
REM coordinate and store the result in R1
MOV R2,R3 :REM copy the calculated Y coordinate into R2
MOV R0,#68 :REM plot code 68 to move cursor
SWI "OS_Plot" :REM execute the move
Next the colour must be set to black:
MOV R5,R4 :REM copy the workspace pointer to R5 as it is
REM needed later
MOV R0,#0 :REM the palette entry for black
MOV R3,#0 :REM flags all 0
MOV R4,#0 :REM GCOL action 0
SWI "ColourTrans_SetGCOL" :REM set the colour
4. Finish
This entry point can be left empty, there is no finishing up necessary.
5. Save
The only string that needs saving is the unencoded format string but first
the header "1: " must be output:
MOV R1,R5 :REM copy the file handle to R1
ADR R2,header :REM point R2 at the header
.save_loop1 LDRB R0,[R2],#1 :REM load a character
CMP R0,#32 :REM check if it's a terminator
SWIGE "OS_BPut" :REM if not ouput it to the file
BGE save_loop1 :REM then get the next character
Now we can output the format string:
.save_loop2 LDRB R0,[R4],#1 :REM load a character and increment R4
CMP R0,#32 :REM check if it's a terminator
MOVLT R0,#10 :REM if it is output a newline instead
SWI "OS_BPut" :REM output the character
BGE save_loop2 :REM if it was not a terminator then get
REM the next character
One parameter has been saved, so the ntry returns with a R0 set to 0
MOV R0,#1
.header EQUS " 1: "+CHR$(0):ALIGN
5. Load
As only one parameter was saved, load will only be called once. All that has
to be done is to copy that string to the icon's workspace:
MOV R1,R4 :REM Copy R4 to R1 as it is needed later
.load_loop LDRB R0,[R6],#1 :REM load the first character into R0
REM and increment R6
CMP R0,#32 :REM check if it's a terminator
MOVLT R0,#0 :REM if it is replace it with a null
STRB R0,[R1],#1 :REM store the character and increment
BGE load_loop :REM if it was not a termintor get the
REM next character
Immediately after this call redraw will be called, however there will not
be a valid time string in the buffer for it to display, therefore one must
be generated here, this is achieved by simply calling null.
STMFD R13!,{R14} :REM push R14 as the BL instruction will corrupt it
BL null :REM call null
LDMFD R13!,{PC} :REM return to BASIC
All other entry points can remain empty.
Once these code segments have been entered into the skeleton file run it
again and copy the created code file into the TutTime directory as described
above. The special icon is now complete and can be placed on MegaBoard just
like the ones provided with the package.